Power Patrol
Power Panel Protectors
"Electrical Pollution" is the most costly power problem to ignore, and the least costly to eliminate!

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The Power Patrol Now Protects:

  • Dupont
  • GE
  • GTE
  • Hewlett Packard
  • DOD
  • the Whitehouse
  • and more!

A wise and profitable investment for many years to come! Manufacturers of a full line of Power Backup, Diagnostics, and Protection Systems for the home, farm, office or industry! The Pure Power System.. .For Pure Power Solutions

Transient Voltage Surge Suppressor
When voltage spikes and surges from external or internal sources plague your equipment, Powel Patrol Panel Protectors are the safe remedy. Commercial Industrial Equipment, Computer Systems, Fluorescent & Incandescent lighting, medical electronics, AC & refrigeration equipment, industrial motors & controllers, and telecommunication systems are among the most important applications. The Powel Patrol Panel Protectors are designed to monitor your entire electrical system and avoid the hazards of electrical pollution.. hazards that cause severe, sometimes gradual deterioration of most electrical equipment. Power integrity eliminates costly downtime, repairs and inefficient operation. You'll save many times its cost... and enjoy safety, peace of mind, and...Quiet Confidence!